Hello! My name is Leanne Babcock.

I am a personal and career coach, an intuitive, as well as a speaker.

And—just recently—I became an author.

For several decades, I’ve helped people transform their inner world: releasing limiting thoughts, and unhelpful self-beliefs, and becoming aware of their own inner wisdom—enabling real confidence and a fulfilling life.

I lead workshops, retreats, and one-on-one coaching sessions on life purpose, self-expression, trusting intuition and shamanism.

I have also coached corporations and government agencies in leadership, team development, coaching for managers, training for trainers and presentation skills; and even founded the Babcock Coaching Methodology—an intuitive coach training program training and supervising coaches to levels of mastery.

Let me take you from fear to freedom
Click here to learn more about my One-on-One sessions

Essentially, my work is about helping people find their own truth and courage.

Sometimes we don’t listen to the gentle nudges to move or to make a change.

It can be very powerful to slow down and take time for oneself—particularly when we live such hectic lives.

In other words, it’s important to listen to those “niggles.”

I know this first-hand: not just through other people’s experiences but also my own.

And that’s where my expertise and services come in.

It’s all about “listening to the inner call”—and paying attention to it. Whether you are hiring someone, accepting a new job, leaving your old one, starting a new relationship, or dealing with a challenge—if you are not listening to this inner call then whatever you are doing might not go as well as it could.

I help others by combining intuition with psychology.

I am trained in many areas of psychology including transactional analysis, accelerated learning, neuro-science, hypnotherapy, ontological coaching, shamanic and intuitive studies.

I’m certified in hypnotherapy.

I’m also a Master NLP Practitioner, a Professional Master mBIT Coach (multiple brain integration therapies), and a Master Trainer in the Babcock Coaching Methodology.

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My life didn’t start out this way.

As a child, I was really sensitive—and psychic happenings were natural for me.

Given there was no one I could talk with about these experiences, I was very shy and kept to myself.

It wasn’t until I was 12 years old that I found an avenue to begin studying, practicing and teaching about these natural intuitive abilities that everybody has.

I also discovered that my love of teaching and sharing what I was learning was stronger than my own fear and shyness of speaking out.

And now, I have written and published my first book that I’m so happy to share with you.